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Boys from Syracuse

Boys from Syracuse: Based on Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors, Richard Rodgers, Lorenz Hart and librettist George Abbott updated this story of mistaken identities in ancient Greece to the swing rhythms of the 1930's. Two identical twins, Antipholus of Ephesus and Antipholus of Syracuse, are separated during a shipwreck when children. Their respective servants, both named Dromio, are also long-separated twins and confusion erupts when the Syracuse men venture into Ephesus and run into the wives of Antipholus and Dromio of Ephesus, Adriana and her servant Luce. To top matters off, Adriana's sister Luciana falls in love with Antipholus of Syracuse. When at last the two pairs meet at the Seeress' house, the Antipholuses are reunited with their father Aegean, the Dromios with each other and even Aegean with his long lost wife Emelia, none other than the Seeress herself! Popular with scholastic and civic groups, this light hearted musical features the songs “Falling in Love with Love,” “This Can't Be Love” and “Sing for Your Supper.”

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