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Imaginary Invalid

Imaginary Invalid: Moliere's final and most performed play centers around Argan, a man recently remarried, with two marriageable daughters and severe case of hypochondria. In order to save money on his vast apothecary fees, Argan decides to wed his eldest daughter Angelique to a doctor, Thomas Diafoirus. Angelique, however, is in love with Cleante, a young man she recently met at the theatre. Infuriated by Angelique's refusal to bind herself to the boring Thomas, Argan gives her an ultimatum: marry Thomas or go to a convent. Argan's brother Beralde attempts to intervene on Angelique's behalf, criticizing Argan for not seeing that the convent is his wife Beline's attempt to override Angelique's inheritance. Argan remains steadfast, despite Beralde's varied attempts to calm his brother, which include inviting a traveling Gypsy dance troupe into the house. Eventually, the spirited family maid Toinette steps in, disguised as a doctor, to prove once and for all Beline's true money-hungry nature and Angelique's sincere love for her father.

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